Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Error: Unable to write data to locked layer: ???

Do you get this error when opening a drawing file in Land Desktop?
Background Info:

A block named "ADCADD_ZZ" gets inserted by LDT into the 1st layout tab. This block includes information about the name of the project (database) that the drawing is attached to and the drawing setup information.

- Change the "ADCADD_ZZ" block layer to Zero (0) and/or unlock it's layer.
- Since you can't select the object with a mouse you have to use something like Quick Select to grab it to change its layer.

How to repeat this error:
- Create a new file using Land Enabled Map.
- Lock the current layer then save & close.
- Open the same drawing using LDT and you'll get a message box with the Unable to... error.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! Your solution worked! I've been annoyed by this silly thing for months. It somehow got stuck on my "Text & Dimensions" layer; I'd always respond, "What data could you possibly be writing -- or wirting -- to that layer!?" Thanks! (Now I just have to apply this trick to 40 other files...)